Wenn es um Geld geht, sind die Ansprüche besonders hoch. Die Finanzbranche ist deshalb stets ein Vorreiter bei der Digitalisierung und aktuell bei der hybriden Multi-Cloud. |
When it comes to money, demands are high. The financial sector is therefore always a pioneer in digitization and currently in hybrid multi-cloud. |
Laut dem Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) nutzen 64 Prozent der Finanzunternehmen gemischte IT-Infrastrukturen. Dieser Wert liegt leicht über dem weltweiten Durchschnitt anderer Branchen. Außerdem beeinflusst das Thema Datensicherheit einen Großteil der Investitionsentscheidungen in der Branche zu IT-Infrastruktur und Anwendungsmobilität. Der Verbreitungsgrad der hybriden Multi-Cloud ist bemerkenswert und spiegelt den harten Wettbewerb in der Branche wider. So sollen Hybrid-Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen dazu dienen, die Digitalisierung zu beschleunigen, von innovativen Datenfunktionalitäten zu profitieren und Anwendungen zu modernisieren, um das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern.
„Infrastrukturen werden immer diversifizierter und Themen wie Datenspeicherung, -management, -sicherheit und Cloud-native Dienste immer wichtiger. IT-Profis überall auf der Welt orientieren sich deshalb in Richtung eines hybriden IT-Betriebs, der über die Ebenen privater und öffentlicher Infrastruktur hinausgeht. Aktuelle regulatorische Maßnahmen wie der Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) der EU zeigen, dass operative Resilienz als Mittel gegen das Risiko zu starker Zentralisierung die Einführung hybrider Modelle zusätzlich vorantreiben“, so Peter Goldbrunner, Vice President und General Manager Central Europe bei Nutanix. „Bei den Cloud-Bereitstellungsmodellen haben sich Finanzdienstleister als Vorreiter erwiesen und viele andere Branchen bei der Einführung des hybriden Multi-Cloud-Ansatzes überholt.“
Zu den zentralen Ergebnissen des diesjährigen Berichts gehören unter anderem:
According to the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI), 64 percent of financial companies use mixed IT infrastructures. This figure is slightly above the global average for other industries. In addition, the issue of data security influences much of the industry’s investment decisions on IT infrastructure and application mobility. The penetration rate of hybrid multi-cloud is remarkable and reflects the fierce competition in the industry. For example, hybrid multi-cloud environments are designed to accelerate digitization, benefit from innovative data capabilities, and modernize applications to improve the customer experience.
„Infrastructures are becoming more diversified and issues such as data storage, management, security and cloud-native services are becoming more important. IT professionals around the world are therefore moving towards hybrid IT operations that transcend the layers of private and public infrastructure. Recent regulatory actions such as the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) demonstrate that operational resilience as a means to address the risk of over-centralization is further driving the adoption of hybrid models,“ said Peter Goldbrunner, vice president and general manager, Central Europe, Nutanix. „In terms of cloud deployment models, financial services companies have emerged as pioneers, outpacing many other industries in adopting the hybrid multi-cloud approach.“
Key findings from this year’s report include:
– The adoption of hybrid multi-cloud among financial services firms has accelerated and is expected to continue to grow. The financial sector has made significant progress in adopting cloud technologies over the past year. Sixty-four percent of respondents are using multiple different IT environments – whether it’s a mix of private and public clouds, multiple public cloud environments or a combination of on-premises and hosted private infrastructure. – Cybersecurity is the most important decision factor when it comes to IT infrastructures. Financial services providers, like respondents worldwide, place the highest priority on cybersecurity. Given increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks and the critical role of IT in financial services organizations, this finding is not surprising. – Mixed IT environments bring new challenges and require a centralized location to manage all workloads and data. Most ECI respondents agree that a central unified platform to manage their various private and public infrastructures would be ideal. Of the financial firms surveyed, 96 percent hold this view. However, only 42 percent of respondents said they actually have this visibility. This gap indicates a lack of technical capability and underscores the need for integrated tools to improve hybrid IT operations. Without visibility, IT teams cannot manage, secure, synchronize or analyze much in their infrastructures. – Among financial services respondents, the top reason for migrating applications in the past year was faster access to data. All financial respondents (100 percent) have moved applications between IT infrastructures in the past 12 months. Nearly half (49 percent) cite a desire to speed data access as the reason for the move. This is followed in second place by efforts to improve corporate security posture or better meet regulatory requirements, as well as the ability to integrate cloud-native services such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. – Cost remains the big unknown. Survey respondents from the financial industry do not show a clear attitude toward the cost of their IT, which seems to be slipping further and further down the IT priority list – ranking last on respondents‘ list of infrastructure criteria globally and fourth among financial firms. At the same time, cost control is high on the list of challenges for most respondents. For example, 87 percent of financial services respondents identify controlling cloud costs as a challenge in managing their current IT infrastructures, and about one-third see it as a significant challenge. |
Dr. Jakob Jung ist Chefredakteur Security Storage und Channel Germany. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im IT-Journalismus tätig. Zu seinen beruflichen Stationen gehören Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (Storage und Datacenter) sowie ChannelBiz. Darüber hinaus ist er für zahlreiche IT-Publikationen freiberuflich tätig, darunter Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider und ZDnet. Seine Themenschwerpunkte sind Channel, Storage, Security, Datacenter, ERP und CRM.
Dr. Jakob Jung is Editor-in-Chief of Security Storage and Channel Germany. He has been working in IT journalism for more than 20 years. His career includes Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (storage and data center) and ChannelBiz. He also freelances for numerous IT publications, including Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider and ZDnet. His main topics are channel, storage, security, data center, ERP and CRM.
Kontakt – Contact via Mail: jakob.jung@security-storage-und-channel-germany.de