Der Lywand Netzwerk Check führt IP-unabhängig eine automatisierte Sicherheitsüberprüfung aller Geräte im Netzwerk durch. | Lywand Network Check performs an automated, IP-independent security check of all devices in the network. |
Der österreichische Spezialist für Security Audits Lywand bietet mit dem „Netzwerk Check“ ein neues Angebot für Reseller. Damit können IT-Dienstleister ab sofort alle Netzwerkgeräte ihrer Kunden – wie PCs, Macs, Linux-Geräte, Drucker, Faxgeräte, Spielekonsolen, Android- und iOS-Mobilgeräte – einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung unterziehen. Lywand-Partner können die neue Funktion bis Ende Februar kostenlos testen.
Lywand hat seine automatisierte Security-Audit-Lösung um eine wichtige Funktion erweitert. Während der externe Check darauf ausgelegt ist, extern erreichbare Ressourcen wie Domains, IP- und E-Mail-Adressen aus Sicht eines Angreifers zu erfassen und zu überprüfen, führt der interne Agent-Check eine Sicherheitsbewertung von Endgeräten durch. Dies erfordert die Installation eines Agenten auf jedem einzelnen Gerät und war bisher nur für Windows-PCs und -Server verfügbar. Um alle anderen Geräte im Netzwerk, die nicht mit einem Agenten ausgestattet sind – wie Netzwerkgeräte, Drucker, Faxgeräte, Spielekonsolen, Macs, Linux-PCs sowie iOS- und Android-Mobilgeräte – zu finden und zu inventarisieren, steht die Funktion Asset Discovery zur Verfügung. IP-unabhängiger Netzwerk-Check Kostenloser Testzeitraum für Partner Auf die Belange von IT-Dienstleistern zugeschnitten |
Lywand, the Austrian specialist for security audits, offers with the „Network Check“ a new service for resellers. IT service providers can now perform a security check on all of their customers‘ network devices, including PCs, Macs, Linux devices, printers, fax machines, game consoles, and Android and iOS mobile devices. Lywand partners can test the new feature free of charge until the end of February.
Lywand has added an important feature to its automated security scanning solution. While the external audit is designed to capture and audit externally accessible resources such as domains, IP and email addresses from an attacker’s perspective, the internal agent audit performs a security assessment of endpoints. This requires an agent to be installed on each device and was previously only available for Windows PCs and servers. Asset Discovery is available to discover and inventory all other devices on the network that do not have an agent, including network devices, printers, fax machines, game consoles, Macs, Linux PCs, and iOS and Android mobile devices. IP-independent network discovery With the newly introduced Network Audit, it is now possible to audit the internal infrastructure targets identified by Asset Discovery. A gateway is used to check devices for open ports, known vulnerabilities (CVEs), system hardening, current patch versions and misconfigurations. Lywand partners can customize how often and what targets to scan. Compared to traditional network scanning solutions, Lywand’s Network Check is unique in that it identifies devices to be scanned by their MAC address, among other things. This provides the advantage that targets cannot fall out of scope if their IP addresses have changed. The results of a network scan are seamlessly integrated into the existing workflows of the Lywand solution and can be tracked via the vulnerability details, the security dashboard or the remediation plan. Free trial for partners Lywand partners can try the Network Audit and Asset Discovery feature free of charge until February 28th. Starting in March, billing will be based on the consumption model. Lywand offers regular webinars for those interested in learning more about the new features. An overview of the dates and a registration form can be found at: Tailored to the needs of IT Service Providers „It was clear to us from the outset that our solution could only deliver the best value to SMBs if it remained exclusively in the competent hands of their responsible IT service providers,“ explains Tom Haak, CEO of Lywand. „We are very pleased that this approach has been confirmed. Both the Asset Discovery feature and the Network Check were requests from our ever-growing Lywand partner community, which we were happy to fulfill“ |

Dr. Jakob Jung ist Chefredakteur Security Storage und Channel Germany. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im IT-Journalismus tätig. Zu seinen beruflichen Stationen gehören Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (Storage und Datacenter) sowie ChannelBiz. Darüber hinaus ist er für zahlreiche IT-Publikationen freiberuflich tätig, darunter Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider und ZDnet. Seine Themenschwerpunkte sind Channel, Storage, Security, Datacenter, ERP und CRM.
Dr. Jakob Jung is Editor-in-Chief of Security Storage and Channel Germany. He has been working in IT journalism for more than 20 years. His career includes Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (storage and data center) and ChannelBiz. He also freelances for numerous IT publications, including Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider and ZDnet. His main topics are channel, storage, security, data center, ERP and CRM.
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