Managed CNAPP von Check Point verfolgt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um Cloud-Assets effektiv zu schützen und Bedrohungen abzuwehren. Check Point Managed CNAPP takes a holistic approach to protecting cloud assets.
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP) bietet nun die Managed Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) Services im Rahmen der Infinity Global Services an.

Mark Outlaw, Head of Managed Services bei Check Point Infinity Global Services, betont die Bedeutung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes: „In den komplexen Cloud-Umgebungen von heute ist eine umfassende Sicherheitslösung wie Managed CNAPP entscheidend. Unsere Services bieten End-to-End-Schutz, so dass sich unsere Kunden auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können, während wir uns um ihre Cloud-Sicherheitsanforderungen kümmern.“

CNAPP integriert verschiedene Technologien, wie Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Network Security (CNS) und Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) in einer einheitlichen Plattform. Zu den Kernbereichen gehören:


  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).
  • Verwaltung der Datensicherheitslage (DSPM).
  • Verwaltung von Cloud-Infrastruktur-Berechtigungen (CIEM).
  • Cloud Native Workload Protection (CWPP).
  • Container- und serverlose Sicherheit.
  • Web-Anwendungs- und API-Sicherheit (WAF und WAAP).
  • Cloud-Erkennung und -Reaktion (CDR).
  • Code- und Pipeline-Sicherheit (CI/CD).
  • Effektive Risikomanagement-Engine (ERM).
  • Umfassende Managed Services.

Check Point Infinity Global Services bietet umfassende Managed Services für CNAPP-Plattformen, einschließlich Überwachung, Konfiguration, Richtlinienabstimmung, Incident Management und Fehlerbehebung. Diese Services gewährleisten eine nahtlose Integration in die IT- und InfoSec-Abläufe von Unternehmen.


Vorteile von Managed CNAPP


  • Steigender ROI:Maximierung des Return on Investment durch optimierte Leistung und Sicherheit der CNAPP-Plattformen.
  • Bereitstellung von Fachwissen:Ein Team von Cloud-Sicherheitsexperten verbessert die allgemeine Sicherheitslage.
  • Verringerung des Verwaltungsaufwands: Übernahme der Verwaltungsaufgaben durch Check Point, damit Teams sich auf das Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können.
  • Netzwerksicherheit:Segmentierung und Schutz der Ressourcen auf Makro- und Mikroebene mit fortschrittlichen Funktionen.
  • Verbesserte Sichtbarkeit:Zentraler Überblick über die gesamte Anwendungsinfrastruktur.
  • Schutz von Cloud-Workloads:Shift-left-Sicherheit durch Integration in CI/CD-Pipelines und Schutz von Workloads.
  • Cloud-Bedrohungsdaten:Tiefere Sicherheit durch Intrusion Detection, Threat Hunting und Remediation.


Bereitstellung durch Experten
Check Point Infinity Global Services versteht die spezifischen Anforderungen von Unternehmen, bewertet die aktuellen CNAPP-Anforderungen und die Infrastruktur, identifiziert Problembereiche und arbeitet eng mit Kunden zusammen, um die CNAPP-Plattformen effektiv und sicher zu konfigurieren und zu warten. Weitere Informationen über den Start des Managed CNAPP-Programms gibt es bei einem Sicherheitsexperten von Check Point.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-native solutions to drive their business forward. However, with the growing reliance on cloud infrastructure comes a heightened need for robust security measures. This is where Managed Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) services by Check Point Infinity Global Services come into play, offering an advanced, all-encompassing prevention-first security solution to safeguard your cloud environments.

The Power of Managed CNAPP

CNAPP is a revolutionary cloud-native security model that integrates various technologies such as Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Network Security (CNS), and Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) into a single, unified platform. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive protection for your cloud applications, data, and infrastructure and even expands to other areas of cloud security, including:

Comprehensive Managed Services

Check Point Infinity Global Services provides a full scope of managed services for your CNAPP platforms. Our offerings include monitoring, configurations, policy tuning, incident management, and troubleshooting. This comprehensive service ensures seamless integration with your organization’s IT and InfoSec operations.

Key Benefits of Managed CNAPP

  1. Increasing ROI: By leveraging the expertise of Check Point Infinity Global Services, organizations can maximize their return on investment. Our managed services ensure your CNAPP platforms are optimized for performance and security, allowing you to get the most out of your cloud infrastructure.
  2. Providing Expertise: Our team of cloud security experts brings an additional layer of knowledge and experience to your local teams. This collaboration enhances your organization’s overall security posture and ensures best practices are followed.
  3. Reducing Management Burden: Managing complex cloud security infrastructures can be daunting. Check Point Infinity Global Services takes over the management responsibilities, allowing your team to focus on core business activities without worrying about security configurations, monitoring, or incident response.
  4. Network Security: Check Point Infinity Global Services delivers cloud-native network security. With Cloud Network Security, enterprises can macro- and micro-segment their assets across cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure, with advanced features such as DoS protection, NGFW, API protection, and SSL/TLS inspection.
  5. Enhanced Visibility: Our managed services offer a centralized view of the entire application infrastructure, including traffic, components, and configurations. This visibility is crucial for maintaining robust security.
  6. Cloud Workload Protection: Check Point Infinity Global Services enables true “shift-left” security by integrating with CI/CD pipelines, implementing source code and infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, and protecting workloads running on virtual machines, containers, and serverless platforms.
  7. Cloud Threat Intelligence: Achieve a deeper layer of security and insight with intrusion detection, threat hunting, and remediation. Check Point Infinity Global Services provides the necessary security context, correlating information from cloud inventory and configuration, account activity, network traffic logs, and additional threat feeds, such as Check Point ThreatCloud AI, IP reputation, and geo databases to portray one complete and accurate picture. Easily identify unwanted traffic and suspicious activity through automated alerts and anomaly detection.

Expert Delivery

The first step in our managed CNAPP services is to understand the specific needs of your organization. Check Point Infinity Global Services evaluates your current CNAPP requirements, infrastructure, identifies pain points, and determines your organization’s goals and budget. Our team will then work with you to configure and maintain your CNAPP platforms to ensure they are functioning effectively and securely.

Check Point Infinity Global Services provides multiple scoping options properly integrate into and co-manage your organization’s DevOps and Cloud Estate:

  • Expert Tier for managing the CNAPP platform features, configuration and prioritization of findings
  • Profession Tier for managing the CNAPP platform and providing Professional Cloud and DevOps engineering resources to assist in direct remediations.

Industry Insights

Mark Outlaw, Head of Managed Services at Check Point Infinity Global Services, emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach: “In today’s complex cloud environments, having a comprehensive security solution like Managed CNAPP is crucial. Our services are designed to provide end-to-end protection, ensuring that our clients can focus on their core business activities while we handle their cloud security needs.”

By harnessing the power of Managed CNAPP by Check Point Infinity Global Services, organizations can ensure a robust, scalable, and holistic approach to cloud security. Let us help you navigate the complexities of cloud security, providing you with the protection and confidence needed to drive your business forward.

Contact a Check Point Security Expert today for more information on how to get started on your Managed CNAPP program.

Einen weiteren Podcast finden Sie hier: Arne Lehfeldt, Systems Engineer und CTO Ambassador bei Dell Technologies, erklärt im Podcast Security, Storage und Channel Germany mit Carolina Heyder, warum Unternehmen keine Angst vor KI haben sollten.You can listen to another podcast right here: Arne Lehfeldt, Systems Engineer and CTO Ambassador at Dell Technologies, explains why companies shouldn’t be afraid of AI in the Security, Storage and Channel Germany podcast with Carolina Heyder.

Von Jakob Jung

Dr. Jakob Jung ist Chefredakteur Security Storage und Channel Germany. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im IT-Journalismus tätig. Zu seinen beruflichen Stationen gehören Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (Storage und Datacenter) sowie ChannelBiz. Darüber hinaus ist er für zahlreiche IT-Publikationen freiberuflich tätig, darunter Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider und ZDnet. Seine Themenschwerpunkte sind Channel, Storage, Security, Datacenter, ERP und CRM. Dr. Jakob Jung is Editor-in-Chief of Security Storage and Channel Germany. He has been working in IT journalism for more than 20 years. His career includes Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (storage and data center) and ChannelBiz. He also freelances for numerous IT publications, including Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider and ZDnet. His main topics are channel, storage, security, data center, ERP and CRM. Kontakt – Contact via Mail:

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