Das neue Partnerprogramm Proofpoint Element soll Reseller erfolgreicher machen mit den drei Teilen „Mehrwert bieten, Menschen schützen und Daten sichern sowie Umsatz steigern“. | The new Proofpoint Element partner program is designed to make resellers more successful with three parts: delivering value, protecting people and securing data, and driving revenue. |
Elemente vereinen für den Erfolg: Proofpoint hat sein Partnerprogramm neu aufgelegt, damit Partner ihren Umsatz steigern, ihre Kundenbeziehungen verbessern und zusätzliche Einnahmequellen erschließen können. Mit dem Proofpoint Element Partnerprogramm können Managed Service Provider (MSPs), Managed Security Service Provider (MSSPs), Distributoren und Value-Added Reseller (VARs), das wachsende Cybersecurity- und Compliance-Plattformportfolio von Proofpoint auf einfache Weise nutzen, um ihr Geschäft auszubauen und ihren Umsatz zu steigern. „Wir haben Proofpoint Element auf der Basis des umfangreichen Feedbacks unserer Channel-Partner komplett neu entwickelt“, erläutert Ingo Schäfer, Senior Director Channel DACH bei Proofpoint. „Viel zu viele Partnerprogramme sind zu kompliziert. Deshalb freuen wir uns, ein vereinfachtes, modernes und leicht verständliches Programm anbieten zu können, das einen echten Mehrwert für unsere Partner bietet. Darüber hinaus verstärken wir unsere Investitionen in Mitarbeiter, Plattformen und Tools, die die Position und die Marktchancen unserer Partner insgesamt stärken.“ Proofpoint Element bietet zwei Level, „Core“ und „Elite“, mit jeweils deutlichen, erweiterten Vorteilen für Teilnehmer. Das Programm zeigt Partnern einen klaren Weg zum Elite-Status auf, mit dem sie ihre Dienstleistungen entsprechend den Marktanforderungen differenzieren können. Channel-Partner erhalten die Tools, um ihre Kundenbeziehungen auszubauen und ihre Margen zu verbessern — unter anderem durch umfassende Vertriebsunterstützung, bequeme Schulungsoptionen, Marketingmittel und technischen Support:
Partner haben auch die Möglichkeit, sich auf Informationssicherheit zu spezialisieren — mit Produktschwerpunkten wie CASB, Endpoint DLP oder Insider Threat Management — oder auf Proofpoint Security Awareness Trainings.
„Mit dem Element-Partnerprogramm von Proofpoint können wir uns in einem stark umkämpften Cybersicherheitsmarkt weiter differenzieren und eine Serviceplattform auf Basis der Proofpoint-Lösungen aufbauen“, kommentiert Mathias Schick, Director Business Development Security bei Bechtle. „Die Spezialisierungen werden es uns ermöglichen, unser Multi-Vendor-Sicherheitsportfolio mit bestimmten Fähigkeiten zu ergänzen. Dies wird unsere langjährige Beziehung zu Proofpoint weiter verbessern.“
Wesentliche Vorteile des Proofpoint Element Partnerprogramms:
| Uniting Elements for Success: Proofpoint has relaunched its partner program to help partners increase revenue, improve customer relationships and develop additional revenue streams. With the Proofpoint Element Partner Program, managed service providers (MSPs), managed security service providers (MSSPs), distributors and value-added resellers (VARs), can easily leverage Proofpoint’s growing cybersecurity and compliance platform portfolio to grow their business and increase revenue. „We completely redesigned Proofpoint Element based on extensive feedback from our channel partners,“ said Ingo Schäfer, senior director, channel DACH at Proofpoint. „Far too many partner programs are too complicated. That’s why we are pleased to offer a simplified, modern and easy-to-understand program that delivers real value to our partners. We’re also increasing our investment in people, platforms and tools that strengthen our partners‘ overall position and market opportunity.“ Proofpoint Element offers two levels, „Core“ and „Elite,“ each with distinct, enhanced benefits for participants. The program provides partners with a clear path to elite status, allowing them to differentiate their services based on market needs. Channel partners are given the tools to grow their customer relationships and improve their margins through comprehensive sales support, convenient training options, marketing resources and technical support, among other benefits: – Core Level: All channel partners (MSPs, MSSPs, VARs, etc.) start at Core Level. To maintain Core status, partners need only meet minor requirements. Core partners receive numerous benefits for selling and supporting Proofpoint solutions, including contract registration, sales certifications, technical training, and bonuses. – Elite Level: Elite program participants have the most ambitious sales goals, invest in sales and technical training, and actively promote Proofpoint solutions. In return, Elite Level partners receive substantial contract registration discounts, a dedicated channel account manager, priority in the allocation of marketing funds, and various other benefits. They can also benefit from a rebate („Value Incentive Rebate“) based on revenue growth commitments that are mutually determined once a year. Partners also have the opportunity to specialize in information security – with product focus areas such as CASB, Endpoint DLP or Insider Threat Management – or Proofpoint Security Awareness training.
„Proofpoint’s Element Partner Program will allow us to further differentiate ourselves in a highly competitive cybersecurity market and build a service platform based on Proofpoint solutions,“ commented Mathias Schick, Director Business Development Security at Bechtle. „The specializations will allow us to add specific capabilities to our multi-vendor security portfolio. This will further enhance our long-standing relationship with Proofpoint.“
Key benefits of the Proofpoint Element Partner Program: – New discount structure and additional partner protection – Opportunity for partners to add their own services to Proofpoint’s best-in-class technology to drive profitability, recurring revenue and customer loyalty – Enhanced tools to help partners operate more efficiently, reliably and scale quickly – Prioritized delivery for faster deployment times to increase customer satisfaction – Specific development paths with increased focus on partner capabilities and additional resources, including Lab access – Assigned team of portfolio experts to assist with business planning, customer conversations, and go-to-market strategy – Comprehensive partner training, sales enablement, and technical resources and support – Marketing support, including marketing development, such as personalized content and custom campaigns, and access to expert Proofpoint channel account managers, channel marketing managers, global program managers, and field marketing managers to increase brand awareness, generate more leads, and grow the business – Dedicated A/B environments for internal testing, training and customer demos |
Dr. Jakob Jung ist Chefredakteur Security Storage und Channel Germany. Er ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren im IT-Journalismus tätig. Zu seinen beruflichen Stationen gehören Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (Storage und Datacenter) sowie ChannelBiz. Darüber hinaus ist er für zahlreiche IT-Publikationen freiberuflich tätig, darunter Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider und ZDnet. Seine Themenschwerpunkte sind Channel, Storage, Security, Datacenter, ERP und CRM.
Dr. Jakob Jung is Editor-in-Chief of Security Storage and Channel Germany. He has been working in IT journalism for more than 20 years. His career includes Computer Reseller News, Heise Resale, Informationweek, Techtarget (storage and data center) and ChannelBiz. He also freelances for numerous IT publications, including Computerwoche, Channelpartner, IT-Business, Storage-Insider and ZDnet. His main topics are channel, storage, security, data center, ERP and CRM.
Kontakt – Contact via Mail: jakob.jung@security-storage-und-channel-germany.de